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Welcome to our Grade 4 & 6 classroom website! Here you will find useful links, activities & important information on upcoming events at SCE. Along with posting here, I will continue to update your Hapara Workspace with our most recent Language and Math units. Be sure to check in regularly to both.






I    will be your child's Math and Language teacher this year.    Check out the 'About Your Teacher' page to learn a little bit more about who I am.  



As mentioned, this year back to school will be very different.  With the health and safety measures put in place, all students will be required to wear a non-medical mask while indoors at school.  Please provide your child with 2 clean masks per day.  Please label the masks with your child’s name and store in a Ziploc bag. A personal hand sanitizer bottle is also required.  Your child will have the opportunity to refill their hand sanitizer bottle at school. A water bottle is also needed as the water fountains will be closed. Students will have access to the water filling station to refill water bottles as needed. For the time being, students are asked to not bring in a second pair of indoor shoes. This will be revisited as the weather changes.  Students should wear athletic type shoes to school as they will still have Phys. Ed. 


Classrooms & School supplies

Your child will remain in the same classroom and same desk all day, therefore all of their belongings can remain at their desk. As there will be no sharing of any items, students are asked to have their own school supplies. Please ensure that all items are labelled.

  • 2 large glue sticks

  • pencil sharpener

  • 2 highlighters

  • Red and blue pen

  • Pencil crayons

  • Scissors

  • A ruler

  • Lined paper (3 hole punch)

  • Disinfecting wipes 

  • Personal  Kleenex

  • A box of large Ziploc bags

  • Thin black Sharpie (for visual arts) 

  • Earphones for laptops  

  • Personal Chromebook or laptop    (optional)



Students will soon have access to technology at school (i.e., Chromebooks, ipads) however we strongly encourage students to bring in their own personal tech devices if possible. Although we will be sanitizing school devices between uses, having their own personal device is encouraged to help eliminate the sharing of resources. 


This year we will all be using Hapara Workspace for all subjects and assignments. We will be reviewing this platform with all students in the first couple of weeks. This will ensure consistency in the delivery of our program in the event of any further school closures. 



This year we have several students with life threatening allergies.  In order to keep all students safe, please ensure that all snacks and lunches contain no peanuts/tree nuts.  



Your child will be bringing home their school agenda.  We will be using it on a daily basis to help students acquire and apply important learning habits and organizational skills.


I look forward to working with you throughout the year to support your child. Please feel free to contact me at any time through your child’s agenda   or    by phoning the school at 613-692-6164.

Tropical Leaves 3
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